

Bread Science (15th Anniversary Edition), $20

cover of 15th anniversary edition of the book Bread Science, with an aerial view of loaves of bread and chemical equations written on the surface behind them

Bread Science is the complete how-to guide to bread making. It covers the entire process in detail. With over 250 photos and illustrations, it makes bread making approachable and fun. Read more.

I find Emily’s book to be just about perfect in scope, quality of information, and know-how on the science of bread…. This book needs to be on the shelf for every bread enthusiast that wants to know how things work.

—Francisco Migoya, Head Chef of Modernist Cuisine and co-author of Modernist Bread

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Bread Science (First Edition), $15

cover of book Bread Science with hands holding loaf of bread

We have a few copies of the first edition of Bread Science left. Just in case anyone is interested.

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Somewhere and Nowhere, $24.99

cover of book "Somewhere and Nowhere" showing bicycle on road in mountains

It’s the adventure of Wild, the contemplation of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and the neuroses of Eat, Pray, Love, all on a shoestring budget… and bicycles. Read more.